Why do you need Real Smart Email? If that’s the question on your mind, read on for the answers! Real Smart Email is your email doctor. It’s like the surgeon who clears away the congestion and clutter in your blood stream! Let me explain. You receive tons of emails on a daily basis. Most of them are useless; some are important but doesn’t need immediate attention while others need an urgent response. It’s obvious that you spend quite some time sorting it out every morning after coming to work. Some useful productive time wasted. Real Smart Email solves those issues for you. It’s like your personal email manager.
Real Smart Email sorts out your incoming emails into two broad categories. One is the emails that cannot wait and has to be dealt with right away. The others are those newsletters and information emails that you have subscribed to. You wouldn’t like to trash them; but you don’t want to read them first thing in the morning. You’d rather wait for the right time before you check those out. RealSmartEmail does the job for you and sends you one single email that has all the other embedded in it. You can even time when you want to receive that one email.