Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Real Smart Email: Modifying Settings

Real Smart Email is the rare email service provider that offers you a personalized email experience in the true sense of the term. You can tinker with the settings of your Real Smart Email account and modify it according to your needs. The powerful filters can block out email ids and even whole domains if you choose so! You need to register the email ids and domains in your settings and the filters take over. RealSmart Email provides every subscriber with a unique email id. You can use this id for online registrations on any website or newsletter. However, if you want to receive particular emails at your primary email id, you can choose to do so as well.

RealSmartEmail has various other features that make emails more personalized. The emails you receive on a daily basis are categorized under various heads. They are all marked under three categories: Known Contacts, Unknown Contacts and Marketing. When you are looking for emails that you have lost out on, you can come back and easily find them sorted out carefully. Responding to emails and ignoring the unwanted ones just got easier with Real Smart Email. The email services will be specially needed during the Holidays when sundry emails block your inbox.

Real Smart Email on Facebook.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Real Smart Email: Smarter Emails, Lesser Time

We have progressed to the age where we want to cut down on every unproductive activity. The modern times demands that we utilize all the seconds that we have got in a day. But some activities, like checking your email inbox everyday, cannot be done away with, despite them consuming more time than they should. Real Smart Email is here with greater efficiency, personalization and cut down on time. Real Smart Email compiles all those incoming emails and embed them on a single platform. Then that email is sent to your primary email address, if you choose so. You can also check up your email inbox with RealSmartEmail on your account with the website.

RealSmartMail provides you with the option to personalize your settings. No other email service provider does it better than Real Smart Email. It allows you to block the any email id that you don't want to receive emails from. You can block entire domains if you choose to do so! Because Real Smart Email is all about convenience, you can undo the changes whenever you want. It may be that you have problems receiving Real Smart Email in your inbox. In that case, add the domain name of Real Smart Email to your address box. This will solve your problems. You can also write to your email administrator if the problem persists. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Real Smart Email Troubleshooting

There may be those rare instances when you sign up for Real Smart Email but do not receive them. Ideally, when you log in and subscribe at, you should start receiving our emails. In case you don’t receive them, you have to check up that everything is in order. It could be that your Internet service provider (ISP) is not allowing Real Smart Email to reach you. They are either filtering or blocking the path of our emails. There could be something amiss with your desktop email software as well. Check up on these settings and register the Real Smart Email domain with them.

If you are still having problems in receiving emails from Real Smart Email, contact the ISP. Write to them with the domain id of Let them know that you want to receive emails from this domain directly into your inbox. The problem should get sorted out when you inform the ISP that you are using an opt-in set-up. Real Smart Email makes life easier for busy professionals and students. Once you become a part of the network, you can enjoy the additional privileges of this email service provider.