Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Real Smart Emails: How Smart Is It?

The smarter choice for people to communicate with each other is email. There are several reasons why emails are a better choice to get in touch. You can document what you are thinking and can go back to the correspondence. You don’t forget the finer prints because everything is written down. Moreover, you can save yourself the awkwardness of dealing with critical situations when you don’t really know what to say and your body language or voice may betray unwanted emotions. Emails are a handy choice in such cases. The problem with email is the problem of plenty. When you have an active email account, there are too many undesirable emails coming in. Most of them are promotional material. RealSmartEmail is a big help then.

The smarter way of handling an email account is Real Smart Email. There are various features listed on the menu of this email service provider. For example, you can have all your incoming emails sorted out without raising a finger. Real Smart Email does the sifting for you. It arranges your correspondence into three different categories: Known, Unknown and Marketing. The first lot holds all your emails that are sent by email ids listed on your address book. These are the priority ones and are listed on the top. The second slot is for emails that come in from unlisted senders. These email ids are not on your address book and you may want to read them later on when you have the time. The third slot belongs to Marketing, where your newsletters and promotional emails are listed. You may read them or put them in the trash bin. This arrangement of your email inbox saves you a lot of time every single day. You can use the saved time to do some productive work.

The features of RealSmartEmail do not end there! When you create an account with, you will be assigned a unique email id. This id was be used to register with any online service that you want to subscribe to. The advantage of using this unique email id is that the website administrators you sign up with will not be ascertain your identity. They will not be able to get in touch with you through unwanted promotional emails. Protecting your online identity is as important as guarding your phone number from unscrupulous elements. Real Smart Email not just keeps your identity protected it also makes you free from the vicious cycle of emails that have nothing to do with your needs. As a busy professional, the last thing you want is to spend important time sorting through emails that you never wanted in the first place. Leave your worries to Real Smart Email.

RealSmartEmail on Facebook.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Real Smart Email: Smart Emailing

Emails can be the most convenient mode of communication and also the most difficult to deal with! It all depends on how you are using your email inbox. All busy folks would know that email inboxes look like a battlefield sometimes! There is a severe logistical problem when you have too many emails that need to be answered. RealSmartEmail resolves these issues for you. Real Smart Email provides smart email solutions to anyone who doesn't have the time to sort out their email inboxes every single morning. To be a part of the smart email experience, all you have to do is visit

RealSmartEmail can be beneficial for everyone in the network. The strong spam blockades of this email service provider keeps all unwanted messages away. You have the option to block any email id or domain if you don't want to receive emails from them. The emails coming into your primary email address will be sorted out in different categories, according to the sender. The senders listed in your address book are headed for the 'Known' category while the rest move to the 'Unknown' category. All those marketing newsletters that you subscribed to comes under 'Marketing'. With all your emails sorted out, you can finally bid bye to email clutter.

RealSmartEmail on Facebook.