Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Real Smart Email: A Smart and Unique Email Service Provider!

Smart Things always draws attention of public. Whether it is a smart girl or a chic car you are bound to get attracted towards it. It is a common human psyche. Even if you catch hold of a smart email provider you will simply grab it with delay. One such unique provider is real smart email that can provide you a bouquet of offers that you simply love.

Are you aware of its exclusive features? Well, this real smart mail helps you to get a neat and clean inbox. That is to say you will get a unique address and at the end of the day you will get a single mail along with all your incoming mails being embedded inside it.  And the incoming mails are smartly categorized.

 Do you want to know more about this email categorization? There are few special categories and you are unable to get emails in such categorized forms from any other email provider in United States. All the mails from the enlisted ids of your address book of your inbox are placed under the known category. A huge number of marketing or promotional emails are placed under the marketing section. Plus, if you want to get emails directly to your primary email address you opt for ‘send directly’ section.

With real smart email, you can take a total control over all the spam mails. You can blacklist email ids and also an entire domain! That is not all. You can easily change the settings of your mail box and start getting emails from those ids and domain at any point of time. In this way you can take your mailing experience to anew level with realsmartmail LLC.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Real Smart Email: Know The Tricks To Avoid Filth Of Spam Mails

Are you puzzled to find a huge number of emails that clutters your mail box like anything? Do not worry.  Seek the help of Real Smart Email service and stay away from spam mails throughout your life. At last you can get a solution and get rid of mailbox nightmare like never before.

You must be crazy to know more about this service of real smart mail service in details. In few words, you will get the best service of controlling spam and that too so effectively. Other providers like hotmail, yahoo too have introduced a handful of methods of spam controlling but technology of Real Smart Mail LLC is unique and also the best one in the entire industry.
So, sign up to the website of Real Smart Mail and catch hold of a unique email address that appears something like You can now use it in order to register to a number of websites and give it to anyone from whom you do not want to disclose your original email id. In other words marketers will never be able to gain access to any of the providers and thus keep your id safe and secured from all the cunning marketers and brand promoters.

That is not all. You can thus send emails once a day and that too in several categories that include send directly,  known contacts, marketing and Spam.  You can black a full domain as spam and thus avoid getting any mails from it.