Friday, August 5, 2011

Real Smart Mail – Here is a Smart Solution to SPAM Control !

At last a solution is available for handling all email issues! All spam mails can now be under control of the users. Are you thinking that I am munching words? You will be overwhelmed to know that email can now be maintained in a much better way with realsmartemail llc. This is one service provider that has come up with the most cost-effective way of handling mails. Just shell out $14.95 monthly and enjoy some alluring features of this email management service provider!

SPAM mails – the greatest curse of emails. Realsmartmail can effectively handle this issue. No more spam mails in your inbox. Does it sound like a dream? Your dream and wish is soon to come true with real smart email!  

Real smart mail categorizes all your day’s mail under some default categories which include your SPAM mails. You can now see all those unwanted mails right in front of your eyes. No need to search for them and sort out the redundant mails. Again, if you categorize any mail as unwanted and place your order with realsmartemail stating that you would not like receiving them, such mails will not enter your inbox anymore.

You have the full authority to discard a whole domain. Reject the domain as you wish and no emails will be sent to your original mailbox from the blacklisted domain. What are you still wondering? Don’t wait to avail such exciting offers and services! Sign up with and catch hold of the deals and offers! Rush and make a wise choice!